Saturday 2 February 2013


综合以立春四柱八字 - 癸巳、甲寅、辛丑、戊子,紫白飞星图,值年卦山雷颐结合推背图来看:


2013癸巳年的飞星盘为五黄立中当令又称为【还宫复位】、【伏吟盘】。其实在数术语中“伏吟”本身只是个中性用词,会有“吉者愈吉,凶者愈凶”的效应,并不如坊间说的 - 全皆不吉利。



以中国北京立中和周遭国家环境里却在八运中,大利地产,相信地运所趋,楼市纵是受到人为政策调整,也不会大幅下跌,然而却遭致 - 富者越富,穷着越穷的民怨浪潮。


【山雷颐】为古之推背图39象 -

Saturday 5 January 2013

‘Tsunami bomb’ tested off New Zealand coast

The United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests of a “tsunami bomb” designed to destroy coastal cities by using underwater blasts to trigger massive tidal waves.

By Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney  01 Jan 2013

The Big One
The tests were carried out in waters around New Caledonia and Auckland during the Second World War and showed that the weapon was feasible and a series of 10 large offshore blasts could potentially create a 33-foot tsunami capable of inundating a small city.
The top secret operation, code-named “Project Seal”, tested the doomsday device as a possible rival to the nuclear bomb. About 3,700 bombs were exploded during the tests, first in New Caledonia and later at Whangaparaoa Peninsula, near Auckland.
The plans came to light during research by a New Zealand author and film-maker, Ray Waru, who examined military files buried in the national archives.

“Presumably if the atomic bomb had not worked as well as it did, we might have been tsunami-ing people,” said Mr Waru.
“It was absolutely astonishing. First that anyone would come up with the idea of developing a weapon of mass destruction based on a tsunami … and also that New Zealand seems to have successfully developed it to the degree that it might have worked.” The project was launched in June 1944 after a US naval officer, E A Gibson, noticed that blasting operations to clear coral reefs around Pacific islands sometimes produced a large wave, raising the possibility of creating a “tsunami bomb”.
Mr Waru said the initial testing was positive but the project was eventually shelved in early 1945, though New Zealand authorities continued to produce reports on the experiments into the 1950s. Experts concluded that single explosions were not powerful enough and a successful tsunami bomb would require about 2 million kilograms of explosive arrayed in a line about five miles from shore.

“If you put it in a James Bond movie it would be viewed as fantasy but it was a real thing,” he said. I only came across it because they were still vetting the report, so there it was sitting on somebody’s desk [in the archives].”
Forty years after the joint testing, New Zealand faced a dramatic breakdown in its security ties with the US after it banned the entry of nuclear-armed ships from entering its territory during the 1980s. The dispute led to the US downgrading its relationship with New Zealand from an “ally” to a “friend”.

伦敦「每日邮报」(Daily Mail) 网路版指出,作家及电影製片Ray Waru在纽西兰国家档桉局的军方档桉中,发现这项秘密行动的细节。
美纽二国为发展大规模杀伤性武器,从1944年6月起在纽西兰奥克兰(Auckland)及新克里多尼亚岛(New Caledonia)附近海域秘密引爆水下炸弹,以製造巨大的海啸。



突发奇想: - 某天当中日的纠缠给搞到“不可收拾”时,日本那小岛国会面临那“人性绝”的毁灭吗?

Saturday 15 December 2012

Japanese Islands may be sinking into the sea trench!

During a January 4, 2005 Times magazine interview. The then President of The U.S. National Academy of Science - Dr. Bruce M. Alberts solemnly pointed out:-

"After a 2004 year-end earthquake in Indonesia, the Asia-Pacific plate is becoming increasingly fragile, the earthquake and tsunami will be more and more active in future. Especially in eastern Asia, the Japanese archipelago has been subjected to a collapse in the ‘funnel’ on top."

“As we all know, the world’s deepest sea trench – Mariana Trench (average depth of 8,000 meters from the nearest Japanese archipelago), due to the Asian continental plate's push and the retreat of the Pacific plate, is reaching a yearly 10cm speed pushing towards the northeast, the Pacific – Japanese archipelago line expansion." 

The 311 Fukushima earthquake in 2011 reminded scientists that the trench is further accelerating at the junction of two plates, the Pacific and Asia. The Japanese archipelago, if further encounters the same one or two undersea earthquakes as in Indonesia 2004; it is likely in addition together with other southern Ryukyu Islands tremor, the Japanese Islands will then slip into a larger trench and are likely facing extinction!

Dr. Bruce Alberts had suggested the Japanese government to set up a “drowned Warning Panel” in 2005 . He also suggested the Japanese government to be "friendly" to the surrounding countries vis-a-vis China and South Korea  for contingency help-plan of any "likely disaster".

It is now even interesting when a recent 7.3 measure earthquake strike happened near the same 311 Fukushima area on December 7, 2012 turned scientists' attention to the (1977 discovery of) Oyashio Paleoland(亲潮古大陆) - a sunken landmass 30-million years ago east of Japan. Oyashio Paleoland signifies a very "flat" landmass which was once above sea level and could even be a part of the Japanese archipelago in ancient era. 
Will Japan doom ?

The high frequency of bizarre tectonic movements couple with very freakish weathers in recent years will again, make us bewildering - Ah, the winter solstice 2012 ?

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Ghost Festival - An auspicious month

The Chinese Seventh lunar month begins at 17th August till 15th September this year depicts an important traditional event of worshipping the soulful deceased. Ghost ? If you may like to call…
In premodern China till now, the great majority of people held beliefs and observed practices related to death that they learned as members of families and villages, not as members of organized religions. Such beliefs and practices are often subsumed under the umbrella of "Chinese popular religion." Institutional forms of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and other traditions contributed many beliefs and practices to popular religion in its local variants.
Chinese emphasized biological continuance through descendants to whom they gave the gift of life and for whom they sacrificed many of life's material pleasures. Moreover, personal sacrifice was not rooted in a belief in asceticism per se but in a belief that sacrificing for one's offspring would engender in them obligations toward elders and ancestors.

Human soul if any…
Soul ? Does human body consist of soul? Of course, it’s my/our belief since umpteen ancestral years back. Most Chinese embraced the doctrines of karma - retribution for past actions, causality and, samsara (cyclical existence) in their thinking about life and death.
In essence, the body can be viewed as a horse, while the soul is the rider. The definitive question of life is; who is leading who, and in which direction is ones life headed?

Do Westerners believe in soul ?
Traditionally for Christians, "a human becomes a person at ensoulment"(神授以魂魄,即上帝為每一个新身体创造一个灵魂).
In both ancient Hebrew tradition and early Christian tradition, ensoulment happened when the child took his or her first breath - the soul being directly equated with the breath of life.
Modern Christian views of the ensoulment tend to equate first conception with the new soul. 
Alas, this does have some problems, however. If 'ensoulment' happens at conception what happens if the mono-zygote受精)produces twins? Do identical twins have identical souls? Secondly, if ensoulment happens at conception, and science has shown that roughly 80/90% of all products of conception will either not implant or will abort within the first month of the pregnancy, isn't that a lot of wasted souls then ?

Human Soul and DNA…
同样的,一些发展中的基因需要某些细菌存在,而最令人惊讶的是,孕产妇当即的健康水平更可以决定哪些区域会“基因甲基化– DNA methylation。因此它们“根本上的改变”是不难解释,而我们常自以为是的概念是不准确的。


Friday 13 July 2012


禅宗语录 - 色即是空,空即是色。空色不二, 性相不二。



禅宗空论的论述中,已很好地处理了心(意)物(境)的关系问题。好比量子场论(Quantum field theory)意义上的真空,不再是静止不变的空无,而是不断动态变化的能量场.


当脚车最终到达了光速时,整个宇宙好像都装在了它上面 它的质量也同时会变得无穷大。此时无论再施加多大的力气,它也不能动的再快一些了。


爱因斯坦的相对论说明了物体的质量能量之间可以相互转化关系 - 质能方程(Mass-energy equivalence) - 能量等于质量乘以光速的平方(E=mc2)。原子弹的核裂变原理就是把部分质量变为巨大能量释放出来!


Tuesday 19 June 2012

The most incomprehensible thing...



Emptiness is Full  
The "emptiness" of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of seething energy! 
This ocean of energy as being of the "time domain." It seems like something from the Star Trek movie but this is where "scalar electromagnetics" has come to. And where it is going may be beyond anything Star Trek could have dreamed of.

We live in a 3-dimensional world, which physics calls "3-space." But there is also space-time, or "4-space", or the "4th dimension." Then suddenly comes this amazing new knowledge that time itself is actually compressed energy. And it is energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared !

So we have a new companion to the famous E=mc2. It is now paired with E=tc2 (where t is actually "delta-t," or change in time). Or say:
"E equals em-cee-squared"
"E equals delta-tee-cee-squared"
It has a nice ring to it, like some freedom bell announcing a new era. And as the atomic bomb released the compressed energy in matter, so can we now unleash the tremendous energy that is compressed into time itself. It gives a completely new meaning to the term "time bomb."

Illusion ? Oh yes, but only in our present formation...  
"The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible."

Sunday 27 May 2012




护理长说:「那一直在哭的曾深爱相片中的女人 无论是醒著或睡觉都不肯将照片放下,但那女人却嫁给别人,他因此发疯!」


护理长说:「他啊,就是娶了那位女人的人 !」



目前咱华裔的青少年身受古今中外思潮的交流、撞击,思想的彷徨与矛盾,情绪的郁闷与烦躁,充分显示出这时代性的紊乱和不安,因此形成了青少年们各种的病态心理。常闻人说:-“世风日下,人心不古,大有日暮途穷,不可一日的忧虑;其实童稚无知,怀着一颗赤子之心,来到人间,宛如一 张白纸,近之朱则赤,染之墨则黑,结果因为父母牵强的主观观念——“望子成龙或望女成凤。” 凡事都来个涂涂抹抹、吹毛求瘢,使他们成了五光十色,烂污糊涂一片,不是把他们逼成了书呆子,就是把他们养成为小太保。(其实呐,那还不是真的太保,真太保还可是创造历史的人才哩!)



其实中国禅宗文化所标榜的人性的问题是咱中国文化的中心,可是现在中国文化刚好把这个都给丢掉了。 得、失、取、舍在禅的文化里有更超乎其他各种文化之详尽了解。在中国文化固有的“孝”教诲更被标为百善之首。详端“孝”之中“慎终追远”所有的“大爱”更远远超越了西方人常挂于口中花言巧语的“爱”!



