Tuesday 19 June 2012

The most incomprehensible thing...



Emptiness is Full  
The "emptiness" of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of seething energy! 
This ocean of energy as being of the "time domain." It seems like something from the Star Trek movie but this is where "scalar electromagnetics" has come to. And where it is going may be beyond anything Star Trek could have dreamed of.

We live in a 3-dimensional world, which physics calls "3-space." But there is also space-time, or "4-space", or the "4th dimension." Then suddenly comes this amazing new knowledge that time itself is actually compressed energy. And it is energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared !

So we have a new companion to the famous E=mc2. It is now paired with E=tc2 (where t is actually "delta-t," or change in time). Or say:
"E equals em-cee-squared"
"E equals delta-tee-cee-squared"
It has a nice ring to it, like some freedom bell announcing a new era. And as the atomic bomb released the compressed energy in matter, so can we now unleash the tremendous energy that is compressed into time itself. It gives a completely new meaning to the term "time bomb."

Illusion ? Oh yes, but only in our present formation...  
"The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible."