Saturday, 29 October 2011





佛教虽然也可归类为宗教,但祂却更是一种具有高深的哲学理论和科学实验的宗教。它的哲学理论常常超乎宗教范畴以外,所以也有人说佛教是一种哲学思想,而不是宗教。佛教 具有科学的实证方法,但是因为它是从人生本位去证验宇宙,所以人们会忽略它的科学基础,而仍然将它归之于宗教。可是事实上,佛教确实有科学的证验,及哲学的论据。它的哲学,是以科学为基础,去否定狭义的宗教:它的科学,是用哲学的论据,去为宗教做证明。


Monday, 24 October 2011

Are we only, ...Holograms ?

The idea of a holographic universe isn’t new. It has been postulated by U.S. physicist Leonard Susskind and Dutch Nobel Prize physicist Gerard Hooft that the same principle that makes a two-dimensional image on a flat surface look three-dimensional could be applied to our entire universe...............!

Interestingly, why do our senses perceive reality in such a distinct way if we appear to be no more than shadows on a flat screen? The problem could be that our human eyes and our powerful "telescope lenses" conform to the reality of such a hologram of the rest of the universe.

The second point to consider is that our organic brain can also be found in the illusion, never being able to interpret a universe with a greater or fewer number of dimensions than can be perceived.
Karl Pribram, founder of the Center of Cerebral Research at the University of Radford in Virginia, thinks that our brains are holograms interpreting the hologram universe, mathematically constructing a reality interpreting frequencies that come from another dimension—a domain of significant reality that transcends time and space.

Nevertheless, the theory of a holographic universe of only two special dimensions conflicts with multi-dimensional theories arising from the roots of the superchord theory. Before this mark of a disparate hypothesis, many scientists already suspected that the universe is a hologram or illusion created by particles in the emptiness. However, all of the scientific efforts to comprehend the truth amid the mirage have become trapped in a frustrating array of unprovable theories.

Many vanguard theorists think that the disturbing breach in the field of quantum physics and relativity could explain historically argued phenomena in the scientific field, like those in which the mind doesn’t seem to be associated to the brain—such as near-death experiences, remote vision, and precognition.

Or, are we nuts in such a bewildered world of self-taught imagination just because we know far too much ?

Saturday, 22 October 2011



道家对于原始宇宙世界的学术思想,也便是原来中国自己的文化思想;在周、秦以前,不用宇宙的名称,只有‘天地’的观 念,便足以代表后来宇宙的含义。道家的思想,认为天地未开以前,只是一种混沌的状态,既不管有主宰无主宰的事,也不问是前因或后果。这个混沌,既不能叫 它为物,亦不能叫它为精神,正如老子所说:无状之状,无名之名。在《易经》学系,原始理论科学的阴阳家们,认为这个混沌,便是阴阳未分,混合状态的现 象,后来根据八卦的法则,叫他为一画未生以前,六爻未动之初。

儒、道未分家的理念上,叫它为天地未判之先,在老子,便叫它为有物混成,先天地。老子所谓的混成,并不是纯粹的物理作用,只是说物的作用,正在孕盲含混在其当中,经过相当时期,这个混沌便分开阴阳,就有天地的开始了。旧式文学中有一本书《幼学琼林》,劈头一句,便说:混沌初开,乾坤始奠。等到混沌初开,形成乾坤的天地以后,这个地与天 的情形,便好比鸡蛋一样而存在,地球像鸡蛋的蛋黄,地球的大气层与太虚,像鸡蛋的蛋清,天在这个地球的鸡蛋外壳以外。



Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Are we "fools" enough ?

Long is the night to one who is awake.
Long is ten miles to one who is tired.
Long is the cycle of birth and death
to the fool who does not know the true fact.
If a life traveler does not meet with one who is better or equal,
let one firmly travel alone;
there is no companionship with a fool without a fact.

The fool who knows one's own folly,
is wise at least to that extent;
but the fool who thinks oneself wise is really a fool.
If a fool is associated with a wise person all one's life,
the fool will not perceive the truth,
any more than a spoon will taste the soup.
If an intelligent person is associated with a wise person
for only one minute, one will soon perceive the truth,
just as the tongue does the taste of soup.

Sunday, 16 October 2011



佛教说实并不是有些人所认为的是为哲学,哲学如说是种食物不能充饥的,佛教则是利人自利而是有证验的。哲学是用“分别心”得到的遍计所执性,佛学是用“无分别智”得到的圆觉真实性 的。
譬如《金刚经》中有许多语句,不是常人所能了解的,例如“所谓佛法者,即非佛法,是名佛法。” 在佛教中第一句叫做【假观】;第二句“即非佛法”,叫做【空观】;第三句“是名佛法”,叫做【中观】。
常听到‘色即是空,空即是色’就能以 ‘质和能’互相变化来比喻。

