Monday, 23 April 2012

Our ethereal domain - a spontaneous excerpt from

For hundreds of years brilliant physicists and philosophers have tried to represent our world in mathematical models of particle physics that state that our physical world is made of matter of which the smallest part is called the ‘atom’. Atom is an ancient Greek word meaning indivisible; it is supposedly the smallest part of matter that cannot be divided anymore! Quantum mechanics however noticed that particles in some cases behaved like waves and later introduced the wave-particle duality. 

A growing number of post quantum physicists are discovering what Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger already assumed; physics may have been on the wrong track all along, misled by the idea that the material world exists of separate hard particles! They are suggesting now that we may live in a wave-based universe. Matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy sea called the aether. Some scientists now believe that the aether is a subtle energy that flows through all material things like some liquid, creating the material world from it. 

The aether is the medium of the electromagnetic waves and it is assumed that the aether is a non-material fluid-like medium, a subtle energy substance that permeates the entire universe. It is a well known fact that waves require a medium to wave in: without a medium, there just cannot be "waves"! For instance, sound requires the air. For water waves it is the water that waves. Our modern physics accepted the fact that electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space without any medium at all. How absurd, if there is no medium, then what is waving? How is light to propagate as a wave phenomenon if there is nothing to propagate in?

Aether physics is that there is no dualism, no distinction between a material and immaterial thing; it’s all energy since energy is all there is! Matter is not a fundamental property of the universe; it is the form not the substance that shapes matter. Now we finally can take Einstein’s famous formula E=mc², one step further and really start to understand what this formula implied!
"It is not that energy and matter can be interchanged; no, matter = energy, period!"

In this sense matter is an illusion of solidness and separateness. Eastern spiritual traditions have always claimed that our world is Maya, illusionary. What they meant by this is that separateness does not exist; there is only the unity at the fundamental level of existence, the unity of Brahman. Now we may see Eastern wisdom corroborated by modern day science!

Let's see how aether physics is best described: -
Our universe is multi-dimensional and it is made of one substance and that is one substance only! This substance is called aether and it is a vibrating fluid-like energy that permeates the physical vacuum. Matter as we know it is created moment by moment as a standing wave, a vortex in the physical vacuum. It is the condensed center of these vortexes that creates the illusion of a separate particle. All matter in the universe is interconnected since the particle fields extend to the far and every corners of the universe. 
There is such transmutation as in the Chinese Yin阴 and Yang阳 energies mentioned in the Yijing易经, . The Yijing易经 mentions creation as the result of cyclic mutual transmutations of Yin and Yang energies. The female Yin energy transforms into the male Yang energy and vice versa in an eternal process of physical manifestation.负阴抱阳,阳极阴生,阴极阳生。

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