Many of us have an unnecessary wrong concept about our IQs – the figure that represents native intelligence as compared to that of the average individual . Yet in actual fact, your IQ is less important than you probably think. It is always easy to score lower in such a test than you actually deserve and that might result from even the slightest emotional disturbance. So, if you have ever seen your score on an IQ test, you can be reasonably sure that your IQ is at least that high !
What then is the physical basis of high intelligence ?
Contrary to a common belief, it does not require an unusually large skull. It is however, likely to be associated with large numbers of surface “convolutions” in the cerebral cortex, the great top part of the brain. Highly intelligent people also have good blood circulation(to the brain), bearing oxygen, glucose and other important chemicals. Not surprisingly, it is always noted that a person with some very special talent say, a mathematical or musical genius, may have an unusually thick bundle of nerve fibers in one particular section in the brain.
But then again, the physically gifted endowment of one’s brain is far less important than what one can do with it ! A person with an IQ of average 100 is large enough so that, used to the full, it could easily far exceed the record, so far as memory is concerned, of the greatest genius who ever lived.
A person of average IQ who industriously stores up knowledge and skills year after year is better off than those with very high IQs but refuse to learn/study. What those great figures and most important men in history had no more than ordinary IQs. What they possessed in high degree was – Character , and the ability to keep plodding ahead until they achieved what they had set out to do!
A person of average IQ who industriously stores up knowledge and skills year after year is better off than those with very high IQs but refuse to learn/study. What those great figures and most important men in history had no more than ordinary IQs. What they possessed in high degree was – Character , and the ability to keep plodding ahead until they achieved what they had set out to do!
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