It was Nikola Tesla who first carried out wireless energy experiments at Colorado Springs, USA in 1899, which produced extremely powerful electrical tensions that resulted in the creation of artificial lightning. At the same time these lightning flashes (discharges) also produced wide spread radio waves and due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance. Tesla claimed to have discovered a certain amount of standing waves or frequencies of electrical vibrations then. Hence, the first stage of resonance frequency of the earth was discovered !
Unfortunately, Tesla was then “far too advanced” in his time and his discoveries were not taken seriously until more than half a century later in 1952, when German physicist Professor Winfried Otto Schumann of the Technical University of Munich “predicted” electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere within the cavity between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. Later, this was confirmed in 1954 when measurements detected resonances at a main frequency of 7.83Hz.
Although the existence of the Schumann resonance is an established scientific fact, there are still, even till today, very few scientists who are aware of the importance of this frequency – as a tuning fork for all forms of life on earth. It is a very crucial electromagnetic standing wave, acting as background frequency and influencing biological oscillators within the mammalian brain.
It was only later one Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig who carried out further measurements whilst writing his thesis on the Schumann resonance. His aim was to measure what kind of natural signals actually exist in a ‘healthy environment’. He became aware of the fact that due to man-made electromagnetic signals within the atmosphere, the accurate measurement of Schumann waves was almost impossible in the city but only out at sea where, due to good electrical conductivity, the Schumann waves were stronger. He then had the idea to take underground measurements in mines. There, he recognized that the magnetic field of the earth fluctuated too.
More to know later, when one is taking measurements at the earth's surface, the reading is the result of two signals, one coming from above and one from below.
Interestingly, during his research Dr Ludwig came across the ancient Chinese teachings which state that Man needs two environmental signals: the YANG 阳(masculine) signal from above and the YIN 阴(feminine) signal from below. This description fits the relatively strong signal of the Schumann wave surrounding our planet being YANG 阳 and the weaker geomagnetic waves coming from below or from within the planet, being the YIN 阴 signal.
The Chinese teachings state that to achieve perfect health, both signals must be ‘in balance’. Dr Ludwig found that this is indeed the case. In his recorded research carried out at the University of Duesseldorf showed that the one sided use of Schumann (YANG阳) wave simulation without the geomagnetic (YIN阴) signal caused serious health problems. On the other hand, the absence of Schumann waves creates a similar situation.
Although Schumann Resonance could easily be confirmed by measurements at the time of its discovery, it is no longer so obvious due to our contaminated atmosphere being incessantly filled with man-made radiation noise at different frequencies. This is almost drowning out the natural signals - signals that have been there through aeons of evolution. It is possible that these signals act like a natural tuning fork, not just for the biological oscillators of the brain, but for all processes of life.
With the advent of our new wireless technology, in particular microwaves pulsed at frequencies close to Schumann Resonance as in mobile telephony, another threat is emerging. We may be creating an environment that is literally ‘out of tune’ with Nature itself. And it is at this point that there is an urgent need for us to understand how everything alive responds to even the most subtle changes in magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding us. For instance, we need to examine the possible interaction between magnetite crystals within cells and man-made magnetic fields in the environment.
By linking together the potential importance of Schumann resonance and the dangers posed by artificial man-made pulsed frequencies, it will become apparent that unless we find a way to use bio-compatible signals to power new technology, we may expose all life to dangers previously not encountered. We may have to pay a high price for this shortsightedness, sooner than what we think !