Saturday, 31 December 2011




将至之2012壬辰(龙)年在术数界都多有话为不吉利之年。壬辰年如果不以【立春】日正月十三日(4th Feb.2012)起至十二月二十三(3rd Feb.2013)的一年来计算而以阳历2012年1月23日(农历初一)开始至2013年2月9日结束,就共有384天,实为双【立春】兼闰四月(每四年的Feb.29日为闰日)的闰年。








再看壬辰年在(紫微)斗数里‘壬’干的四化 ——天梁星化禄,紫微星化权,天府星化科,武曲星“化忌”。最瞩目的“化忌”星武曲者六白(财)金星也,更是今年九宫八卦的主导当令正位星,更主导钱财金库。“化忌”就简直是要命般尤其是当各地国库匮乏之时。即使必要时用更强硬的(各)国策去稳定局势,这样当会必然的由上至下的增添了烦恼,违背了“不折腾”的初衷。动荡吗?那想必当然!


Saturday, 24 December 2011



下了一场非常大的雨,洪水开始淹没城市,一个神父在教堂裡祈祷,眼看洪水已经淹到他的身体了,突然一个救生员驾著小艇跟神父说:【 神父,快!快上来!不然就来不及了!】






最后,神父就被淹死了 。。。








意外吗想想这些故事所得到的啟示吧 。。。


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Schumann Resonances

It was Nikola Tesla who first carried out wireless energy experiments at Colorado Springs, USA in 1899, which produced extremely powerful electrical tensions that resulted in the creation of artificial lightning. At the same time these lightning flashes (discharges) also produced wide spread radio waves and due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance. Tesla claimed to have discovered a certain amount of standing waves or frequencies of electrical vibrations then. Hence, the first stage of resonance frequency of the earth was discovered !

Unfortunately, Tesla was then “far too advanced” in his time and his discoveries were not taken seriously until more than half a century later in 1952, when German physicist Professor Winfried Otto Schumann of the Technical University of Munich “predicted” electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere within the cavity between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. Later, this was confirmed in 1954 when measurements detected resonances at a main frequency of 7.83Hz.

Although the existence of the Schumann resonance is an established scientific fact, there are still, even till today, very few scientists who are aware of the importance of this frequency – as a tuning fork for all forms of life on earth. It is a very crucial electromagnetic standing wave, acting as background frequency and influencing biological oscillators within the mammalian brain.

It was only later one Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig who carried out further measurements whilst writing his thesis on the Schumann resonance. His aim was to measure what kind of natural signals actually exist in a ‘healthy environment’. He became aware of the fact that due to man-made electromagnetic signals within the atmosphere, the accurate measurement of Schumann waves was almost impossible in the city but only out at sea where, due to good electrical conductivity, the Schumann waves were stronger. He then had the idea to take underground measurements in mines. There, he recognized that the magnetic field of the earth fluctuated too. 

More to know later, when one is taking measurements at the earth's surface, the reading is the result of two signals, one coming from above and one from below.
Interestingly, during his research Dr Ludwig came across the ancient Chinese teachings which state that Man needs two environmental signals: the YANG (masculine) signal from above and the YIN (feminine) signal from below. This description fits the relatively strong signal of the Schumann wave surrounding our planet being YANG and the weaker geomagnetic waves coming from below or from within the planet, being the YIN signal.

The Chinese teachings state that to achieve perfect health, both signals must be ‘in balance’. Dr Ludwig found that this is indeed the case. In his recorded research carried out at the University of Duesseldorf showed that the one sided use of Schumann (YANG) wave simulation without the geomagnetic (YIN) signal caused serious health problems. On the other hand, the absence of Schumann waves creates a similar situation.

Although Schumann Resonance could easily be confirmed by measurements at the time of its discovery, it is no longer so obvious due to our contaminated atmosphere being incessantly filled with man-made radiation noise at different frequencies. This is almost drowning out the natural signals - signals that have been there through aeons of evolution. It is possible that these signals act like a natural tuning fork, not just for the biological oscillators of the brain, but for all processes of life.
With the advent of our new wireless technology, in particular microwaves pulsed at frequencies close to Schumann Resonance as in mobile telephony, another threat is emerging. We may be creating an environment that is literally ‘out of tune’ with Nature itself. And it is at this point that there is an urgent need for us to understand how everything alive responds to even the most subtle changes in magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding us. For instance, we need to examine the possible interaction between magnetite crystals within cells and man-made magnetic fields in the environment.
By linking together the potential importance of Schumann resonance and the dangers posed by artificial man-made pulsed frequencies, it will become apparent that unless we find a way to use bio-compatible signals to power new technology, we may expose all life to dangers previously not encountered. We may have to pay a high price for this shortsightedness, sooner than what we think !

Friday, 16 December 2011

IQ ? What IQ ?

我们人咧,都常会自以為是,自个儿想的就是理所当然的。有料来抖出来嘛,固然很好,但古往今来,恃才傲物的往往都没有好下场。即便再能干,也须要保持一定的谦虚谨慎,做好自己的事情,是金子总会发光的。 常言:人们之所以不快乐,不是因为自己拥有的太少,而是计较的太多。   
Many of us have an unnecessary wrong concept about our IQs – the figure that represents native intelligence as compared to that of the average individual . Yet in actual fact, your IQ is less important than you probably think. It is always easy to score lower in such a test than you actually deserve and that might result from even the slightest emotional disturbance. So, if you have ever seen your score on an IQ test, you can be reasonably sure that your IQ is at least that high !

What then is the physical basis  of high intelligence ?
Contrary to a common belief, it does not require an unusually large skull. It is however, likely to be associated with large numbers  of surface “convolutions” in the cerebral cortex, the great top part of the brain. Highly intelligent people also have good blood circulation(to the brain), bearing oxygen, glucose and other important chemicals. Not surprisingly, it is always noted that a person with some very special talent say, a mathematical or musical genius, may have an unusually thick bundle of nerve fibers in one particular section in the brain.
But then again, the physically  gifted endowment of one’s brain is far less important than what one can do with it ! A person with an IQ of average 100 is large enough so that, used to the full, it could easily far exceed the record, so far as memory is concerned, of the greatest genius who ever lived. 

A person of average IQ who industriously stores up knowledge and skills year after year is better off than those with very high IQs but refuse to learn/study. What those great figures and most important men in history had no more than ordinary IQs. What they possessed in high degree was – Character , and the ability to keep plodding ahead until they achieved what they had set out to do!

Friday, 9 December 2011

生命DNA 迷思

生命的发生和生命的组成自近代Deoxyribonucleic acidDNA基因的发现后,很多那复杂难解的医学问题令我们这一代的“新”人类哗然的感叹到万物其实都有一定的律理。生命是偶然间或固然间的产物?是造物者错综复杂故布的棋局?还是我们自我幻象中的如是我闻,如是我想  Cogito ergo sum ?或又再者如佛祖所谓的不可说  就因为太复杂了,只有般若证悟可解?

以今天我们所能了解的生命是由蛋白质为单位运作的, 而蛋白质又是由DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)转录成RNA(核糖核酸)再合成的中心法则。后来发现 RNA本身也可以反转录成DNA合成蛋白质,称为中心法则的修饰,爱滋病毒和很多的其他病毒也就是如此复制的。

最难以了解的是近代发现的疯牛病这种病毒原体没有基因, 是完全由蛋白质构成的,而与之对应的基因却在人体细胞的基因上。蛋白质可以自我复制本身就是不按牌理出牌,而它在 人类基因上亮起的红灯是否正指明了人类疾病的根源在于(万恶)人的本身?

据说存在人类每一个细胞内的完整基因,是由卅多亿个碱基组成,排列起来可长达六尺,可是蕴含人类遗传指令的基因在其中却“只占不到一寸”,其余是像违法住户一样在人类基因中落脚的类似生命的各种怪异实体,包括像寄生虫一样的外来基因的微小碎片。基因图谱的某些 部份拥有丰富的人类遗传物质,而电脑搜寻已发现四十多个前所不知的疾病基因,关系各种癫痫、色盲、耳聋和肌肉萎缩症。未来时代我们还可能发现更多的数百种疾病基因, 进而促成崭新药物和治疗检验法的发展。其他部份的基因图谱则有如沙漠,看不出任何与人类遗传有关的物质,可是却仍蕴含著某种生命。就像真正的基因一样, 基因图谱上这些广大的空白地带,也是由去氧核醣核酸(DNA)组成,可是里面不含对人体有任何作用的信息。其余则更是史前病毒的残余基因,随著人类代代相流传下来并逐渐退化。



地球自转不停的能量与地表山川高低的排列,其放射出静电场的大小不等,在各地产生的地气电场 也会不同。而地球上的任何一个不同部位,又都另和太阳系的某些引力力量紧紧相扣,才能在宇宙中盘旋不坠。Iridologist  the late Dr. Bernard Jensen曾测量过地球磁场可能最强的地方,发现居住在该地区的人平均寿命均提高了。

应确认人是地球上的生物磁动物(bio-magnetic being)之一,人体是一个能蓄积巨大能量及频率的生物体,能适应的电磁场强度约是零点六个毫高斯milligauss
 (mG)。人的脑部具有电波发射与接收的能力,不但能接收也能传送思想讯息,当然也很容易受到大气层中电荷(electric charge)的影响。很多地区在颱风天裡,云层含带大量的正电离子,人们都会感受到而觉得精神沮丧、沉闷、头晕目眩。但是我们发现将负磁极施于脑部时可以增加感知力(extra-perception),带负电荷的环境能让人类充满生命的期望,有助心智的提升。
